Github, for those in the non-software world, is a hugely important resource for developers. On it, you can download builds, upload software, and do all sorts of geeky-nerdy things that keep the World Digital alive and running. I didn’t know, until recently, a GitHub Remote Manifesto.
Frankly, there are few entities that have been doing this longer. Remote software development is a core part of the open-source movement, which is responsible for many important “plumbing” elements of the Internet, from the Apache webserver to the Kubernetes configuration software that is taking the world by storm. Check them out here:
Don’t know what those things are? It doesn’t matter. All you need to know is that Remote is in these guys’ DNA.
The Remote Manifesto
All-remote work promotes:
- Hiring and working from all over the world instead of from a central location.
- Flexible working hours over set working hours.
- Writing down and recording knowledge over verbal explanations.
- Written down processes over on-the-job training.
- Public sharing of information over need-to-know access.
- Opening up every document for editing by anyone over top-down control of documents.
- Asynchronous communication over synchronous communication.
- The results of work over the hours put in.
- Formal communication channels over informal communication channels
This is modeled after the Agile manifesto. If you’re not familiar with how to read that, know that we all understand the things to the right, meaning after the over are still going to be used and have value, but we value the left item more. For example, #2 says Flexible working hours over set working hours. We all know that having some sort of overlap is good, and necessary sometimes, but we prefer the flexibility. This relates well to the #7. communication, if asynchronous, free us from being “there” together at the same time.
Check out the list and the link here. They’ve got tons of examples that everyone can use, not just software developers.
Stay safe out there!